Products | Seasonal Conditions

Seasonal Conditions Available

Pollen Severity
Flu Severity
Cold Severity
COVID-19 Severity
Pediatric Fever Severity
Asthma Severity
Air Quality

*Updated daily

FAN Program

WeatherAlpha’s partnership with IQVIA enables access to the Flu/Cold/Respiratory ActivityNotification program (FAN) across the media landscape. FAN identifies the areas most impacted by flu, cold, and respiratory illnesses (asthma) by collecting data from over 2,000 sources including:

Sample Applications of Flu Levels Across Season

Pharmacies, PBMs, System Vendors, Heath Provider Systems, Clearinghouses, Practice Management Vendors, Hospitals, Labs

3.5 billion

claims per year

300 million

unique patients

Leveraging FAN data allows brands to allocate their ad budget to geos when/where their messaging will make the most impact—leading up to, during, or after a peak outbreak.

Dramatically increase your sales with our geo-targeted marketing and advertising data. Find out how.

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